Post by metalunaPost by ¥ UltraMan ¥Post by metalunaPost by _ Prof. Jonez _Post by metalunaPost by _ Prof. Jonez _Post by metalunaPost by _ Prof. Jonez _Post by metalunaPost by _ Prof. Jonez _Post by metalunaPost by _ Prof. Jonez _Post by Daniel PackmanPost by _ Prof. Jonez _Post by Daniel Packman....
As I pointed out then, the only valid issue is
academic rigor and honesty. And the issue of
fairnees in its application to all faculty.
Explanation accepted. Accept my apology for any
misinterpretation of your remark about race
regarding Ward Churchill.
Certainly. This medium seems to present unique
challenges to communication.
On a related note, Churchill is giving a few
private/unofficial classes at CU this month. I wish
I had the time and opportunity to sit in on some of
these to take a more personal measure of the man.
Time is what you make of it, a few photons here, a
few photons there.
Is that an attempt to sound erudite?
Post by _ Prof. Jonez _Over the decades his students have though
sufficiently highly of the man, as a professor, to
democratically vote him numerous Excellence in
Teaching awards.
Students are the least equipped to judge academic
merit, ROTFLMAO !!
Good one.
Post by metalunagiven their callow years. Popularity contests most
times favor personality over professionalism.
Yet ... you allow them to Vote on matters of extreme
Non sequitur.
Indeed not.
Still wrong.
Not for a moment, it's a non-related subject area.
Now and for all eternity, in every element of the known universe.
Keep up the lie, you remain consistently wrong.
You're lying again.
You have switched nyms.
Post by ¥ UltraMan ¥Post by metalunaPost by _ Prof. Jonez _Post by metalunaPost by _ Prof. Jonez _Post by metalunaThere are many kinds of voting, do not conflate a
University popularity contest with a public election.
Your conflation.
It was your statement, try again.
You asserted that College students can't be trusted to vote
on matters of import.
I asserted their award was a popularity poll.
As are all democratic elections.
No, wrong.
When I vote for a given ballot initiative I do so on its merits,
not any imbued persona.
Try again.
Post by ¥ UltraMan ¥If you don't like
the system here, then move your cowardly ass over
to the newly minted "free democracies" of Iraq or
I tendered no complaint on our system.
Tilt windmills at your leisure, but do not credit me with their ownership.
Post by ¥ UltraMan ¥Post by metalunaBut I do question their overall experience and wisdom, who wouldn't?
You, an non CU college student would question the vote
of the CU college students as to whom they decided was
their better/best professor?
As would I question their judgment in the campus-wide "smoke
some pot" day protest.
Post by ¥ UltraMan ¥Your arrogance is showing again, shitwipe.
Your penchant to lose debates and degenerate into crude
scatological name-calling is in full flower.
Post by ¥ UltraMan ¥Post by metalunaPost by _ Prof. Jonez _Post by metalunaPost by _ Prof. Jonez _Post by metalunaPost by _ Prof. Jonez _Post by metalunaDo not conflate their _basic rights_ with their capacity
for sound judgment.
Riiight. Can't trust them to rate their own college
professors, but trust them to vote on matters of national
societal import.
The laws are the laws.
Who makes the laws?
Who hires the professors?
Can we say tenure...
Post by _ Prof. Jonez _Post by metalunaPost by _ Prof. Jonez _Post by metalunaPost by _ Prof. Jonez _Post by metalunaPost by _ Prof. Jonez _Post by metalunaPost by _ Prof. Jonez _The fascists and neo-con shiteaters in the University
Administration have arbitrarily and unilaterally
withheld those awards.
You are an angry little impotent pipsqueak.
...the University has used the very existence of the
ongoing investigation to withhold an award for
teaching excellence, which was voted on by a
significant majority of participating students...
The vote being referred to is the one that nominated
Ward Churchill for a teaching award, which both the
commenter and Leupp seem to think (or want us to
think) was an overwhelming public affirmation of Churchill's
sterling qualities as an
educator and
all-around righteous human being. The truth is
somewhat less impressive; as we pointed out over two years ago,
this monolithic acclamation came from an online poll
in which 54 members of CU's student body
of nearly 30,000 voted for Churchill.
Yet, he still won the award.
Forfeit due to pervasive academic and literary fraud.
Yet, he still won the award.
A trivial honor soon forfeited.
Yet, he still won the award.
He won a popularity contest.
He won the award, as voted by the students.
While engaged in plagiarism.
Could have been while masturbating to American the Beautiful
being played on a kazoo.
Plagiary regardless.
Post by ¥ UltraMan ¥The students democratically elected him as the recipient of
the award.
They were unaware (one hopes) of his deceits.
Post by ¥ UltraMan ¥Post by metalunaPost by _ Prof. Jonez _Why would you deny a democratic vote ?
Because he is a fraud.
And Larry Craig is a public-toilet cocksucking pervert, it
don't change the fact that the people of Idaho voted him into
office. Another non sequitur.
You humiliate yourself to service partisan rhetoric.
Post by ¥ UltraMan ¥Post by metalunaIs that your favorite word?
When addressing fascists? Yeah, it's clear and concise.
You demonstrate a need to libel and slander debate opponents in
crude and crass terms.
In doing so you diminish only yourself, and that is some task
given your paucity of credibility.
Post by ¥ UltraMan ¥Post by metalunaPost by _ Prof. Jonez _Post by metalunaThe "award" can only be given to a legitimate seated
He was a legitimate seated, and standing, professor.
He was illegitimate academically.
No, he wasn't.
Yes he was.
Post by ¥ UltraMan ¥Even if you're granted the minutia in dispute
from a few papers, 99% of his entire academic
body of work is not in dispute, and no peer, academic, or
governing body of the university even makes that assertion.
The % of printed matter is not the issue.
Truth is.
Wardo has lied and been caught.
His voluminous published record will not salve his obvious lies.
Post by ¥ UltraMan ¥Post by metalunaPost by _ Prof. Jonez _Post by metalunaPost by _ Prof. Jonez _And it wasn't too trivial for the fascists to feel a need
to withhold it, now was it ?
His plagiarist actions
Which ones, like exactly?
See the record, it's all out there.
I've seen the few disputes, and I've seen other
tenured experts in the field of study side with
Churchill after extensive study of the matter.
You refer, of course, to the now few tenured professors who side with him.
Post by ¥ UltraMan ¥Post by metalunaPost by _ Prof. Jonez _Post by metalunaand creative historical revisionism made any award
recognizing his "teaching " accomplishments suspect at best.
More or less suspect that the Iraq WMD lies ?
Another non sequitur.
Post by _ Prof. Jonez _Post by metalunaPost by _ Prof. Jonez _Post by metalunaPost by _ Prof. Jonez _Post by metalunaPost by _ Prof. Jonez _Imagine how pathetic the other Professors
must be garnering less than 54 votes out of your
mythical 30,000.
Imagine the award being fraudulently granted to a
professor not actively teaching.
Imagine Churchill being rated higher than other
"teachers" still on the payroll.
Is this an indictment of student acumen?
More so of the incompetence of the other teachers still on
the payroll.
Post by metalunaIf so, I concur.
That 18 yr olds shouldn't be trusted to vote on "trivial"
issues, much less matters of national importance?
You do realize, as any sane reader would, that was _not_ the
point I concurred with, don't you?
You do realize you've painted yourself into a corner,
No, I do not.
That would explain the paint all over your shoes.
Your loss is evident for all to see.
Post by ¥ UltraMan ¥Post by metalunaPost by _ Prof. Jonez _and the readers,
both sane and less than, can see you dancing in a feeble
attempt to extricate yourself.
Repeating a lie does not imbue it with veracity.
Repeating a denial does not make the truth disappear.
You are the liar.
Case closed.
Post by ¥ UltraMan ¥Post by metalunaPost by _ Prof. Jonez _Post by metalunaPost by _ Prof. Jonez _Why do you despise young adults?
I don't.
Why do you bandy about false accusations?
Why do you dismiss and deny the democratic vote
of citizens ?
Because Wardo is a fraud.
No one of any import or substance has made that assertion.
"Import" is not the metric of truth.
Are you a closet Bush supporter?
Post by ¥ UltraMan ¥Post by metalunaPost by _ Prof. Jonez _Post by metalunaYou do not argue your points very well at all.
Do tell.
I just did, again.
You're still gonna die a slow, pain filled death, you lying
fascist chickenhawk shitsucker.
Here is where your sad impotence flares brightly for all to see.
Thank you for reverting to your hyper-emotional, attacking,
rhetorical irrationality.
Post by ¥ UltraMan ¥Don't think for a moment that anyone has forgotten about you or
what you've done, or
that you'll slip back into your sewer now that you neo-cons
have been exposed for
the exterminable sub-human scum that you are. Like the
Israeli's hunted down the fascists
to the ends of the earth and to the end of time, so shall
shitbags like you forever hear footsteps
over your shoulder, until one day when you least expect it, you
will be brought to a
swift and righteous justice.
Prozac script run out?
Seek psychological counseling you impotent hate-sack.
I pity you your personal prison of a mind.